Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein
Radio Interface Regulation

784.101.21 / RIR10051)
Inductive applications

Inductive applications
9 - 148.5 kHz
According to the harmonised standard
Edition 5.0 / 01.08.2018

Nr Parameter2)DescriptionComments
1Radiocommunication service--
2ApplicationInductive applicationsApplication examples: car immobilisers, animal identification, alarm systems, cable detection, waste management, personal identification, wireless voice links, access control, proximity sensors, data transfer to handheld devices, automatic article identification, wireless control systems, automatic road tolling and anti-theft systems including RF anti-theft induction systems.
3Frequency bandA: 9 - 59.75 kHz
B: 59.75 - 60.25 kHz
C: 60.25 - 74.75 kHz
D: 74.75 - 75.25 kHz
E: 75.25 - 77.25 kHz
F: 77.25 - 77.75 kHz
G: 77.75 - 90 kHz
H: 90 - 119 kHz
I: 119 - 128.6 kHz
J: 128.6 - 129.6 kHz
K: 129.6 - 135 kHz
L: 135 - 140 kHz
M: 140 - 148.5 kHz
5Modulation / Occupied bandwidth--
6Direction / Separation--
7Transmit power / Power densityLimits for max. H-fields:
A: 9 - 59.750 kHz: 72 dBuA/m at 10 m
B: 59.75 - 60.25 kHz: 42 dBuA/m at 10 m
C: 60.25 - 74.75 kHz: 72 dBuA/m at 10 m
D: 74.75 - 75.25 kHz: 42 dBuA/m at 10 m
E: 75.25 - 77.25 kHz: 72 dBuA/m at 10 m
F: 77.25 - 77.75 kHz: 42 dBuA/m at 10 m
G: 77.75 - 90 kHz: 72 dBuA/m at 10 m
H: 90 - 119 kHz: 42 dBuA/m at 10 m
I: 119 - 128.6 kHz: 66 dBuA/m at 10 m
J: 128.6 - 129.6 kHz: 42 dBuA/m at 10 m
K: 129.6 - 135 kHz: 66 dBuA/m at 10 m
L: 135 - 140 kHz: 42 dBuA/m at 10 m
M: 140 - 148.5 kHz: 37.7 dBuA/m at 10 m
Refer to ERC/REC 70-03, Annex 9, Band A1, A2, A3, B, C and Table 1, except the restriction of 66.6 kHz frequency band.
The magnetic field strength limits applies at 10 m distance.
Additional restrictions depending on the area of the antenna, according to the harmonised standard.
8Channel access and occupation rules--
9Authorisation regimeSwitzerland: License exempt.
Liechtenstein: General authorisation.
Operation on NIB / NPB. (Non interference basis / non protection basis).
10Additional essential requirements--
11Frequency planning assumptionsEN 300 330-
12Planned changes--
13ReferenceEN 300 330 /-/ ERC/REC 70-03, Annex 9.Effective use of spectrum / ECC Decisions / ECC Recommendations.
14Notification numberG/TBT/N/CHE/153
15RemarksEN 301 489-3-

Normative part: 1 to 11
Informative part: Nr 12 to 15

1) RIR for similar and/or other applications are available under: https://www.bakom.admin.ch/bakom/en/home/frequenzen-antennen/nationaler-frequenzzuweisungsplan/schnittstellen-anforderungen.html
2) For explanations and legal status, please refer to basis document 784.101.21 / RIR0000