Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein
Radio Interface Regulation

784.101.21 / RIR08091)
Radionavigation-satellite systems (RNSS)

Repeater for radionavigation-satellite systems
1164 - 1610 MHz
Repeater for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (e.g. GPS, Galileo, GLONASS)
Edition 2.1 / 01.01.2022

Nr Parameter2)DescriptionComments
1Radiocommunication serviceRadionavigation-satellite-
2ApplicationGNSS RepeaterGNSS Repeater
3Frequency bandA: 1164 - 1215 MHz
B: 1215 - 1300 MHz
C: 1559 - 1610 MHz
5Modulation / Occupied bandwidth--
6Direction / Separation--
7Transmit power / Power density--
8Channel access and occupation rules--
9Authorisation regimeSwitzerland: Notification required.
Liechtenstein: Individual assignment required.
The use of radio frequencies by GNSS repeaters is restricted to professional applications for:
- Government associated agencies, including law enforcement, fire and rescue organizations and the contractors supporting them,
- Companies in the military and civilian aviation industry, including aircraft and avionics manufacturers and relevant maintenance facilities,
- Manufacturers of GNSS chipsets and integrators of such chipsets into other equipment,
- Manufacturing, production and test facilities where GNSS is an integral part of the finished product, and
- Operators of indoor facilities where emergency services need to continue tracking GNSS where it is otherwise unavailable.
10Additional essential requirements--
11Frequency planning assumptionsEN 302 645-
12Planned changes--
13Reference-/-/ ECC/REC/(10)02.Effective use of spectrum / ECC Decisions / ECC Recommendations.
14Notification numberG/TBT/N/CHE/129
15RemarksEN 302 645-

Normative part: 1 to 11
Informative part: Nr 12 to 15

1) RIR for similar and/or other applications are available under: https://www.bakom.admin.ch/bakom/en/home/frequenzen-antennen/nationaler-frequenzzuweisungsplan/schnittstellen-anforderungen.html
2) For explanations and legal status, please refer to basis document 784.101.21 / RIR0000