Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein
Radio Interface Regulation

784.101.21 / RIR05011)
Digital cellular

DRAFT - RIR0501-10
1805 - 2170 MHz
GSM, UMTS and LTE on-board aircraft
Edition 5.0.1 / 01.09.2024

Draft version of RIR
This draft RIR is merely for information purposes and is not legally binding at the time of this publication and their contents can still undergo important modifications until officially released.

Nr Parameter2)DescriptionComments
1Radiocommunication serviceMobile-
2ApplicationMCAGSM, UMTS and LTE on-board aircraft composed of Aircraft-BTS and NCU.
Onboard Base Transceiver Station (Aircraft-BTS) supporting the GSM 1800, LTE1800 and UMTS 2100 functions with specific protocols for low power constraints.
Network Control Unit (NCU) preventing the direct connection of the onboard mobile terminals with mobile networks on the ground by producing a noise floor in the aircraft cabin.
The installation and use of MCA within the aircraft will be subject to regulation, including airworthiness certification, by the relevant aviation authorities and the system cannot be put into operation until it complies with these requirements.
3Frequency bandA: 1805 - 1880 MHz
B: 2110 - 2170 MHz
Aircraft-BTS can transmit in the band A: 1805 - 1880 MHz,
corresponding receive frequencies 1710 - 1785 MHz.
Aircraft-BTS can transmit in the band B: 2110 - 2170 MHz,
corresponding receive frequencies 1920 - 1980 MHz.
NCU can transmit in the following bands 460 - 470 MHz, 921 - 960 MHz, 1805 - 1880 MHz, 2110 - 2170 MHz, 2500 - 2690 MHz, 791 - 821 MHz.
5Modulation / Occupied bandwidthAccording to standard-
6Direction / SeparationAccording to standard-
7Transmit power / Power densityMax. e.i.r.p. spectral density limit of aircraft-BTS and NCU outside the aircraft according to ECC/DEC/(06)07.The max. mean power spectral density of the Aircraft-BTS and the NCU shall conform to the limits initiated in the ECC/DEC/(06)07.
Systems, not fulfilling the e.i.r.p. limits for 3000 m height, shall be operated only at the corresponding higher flight altitude.

The maximum e.i.r.p. defined outside the aircraft, resulting from the mobile terminal transmitting at the specified power level, shall not exceed the limits according to ECC/DEC/(06)07, Table 3 and 4.
A dedicated transmitting antenna that is designed as an indispensable part of the Aircraft-BTS shall be used.
8Channel access and occupation rulesMCA system shall operate only during aircraft flight at altitudes of min. 3000 m above ground.
During the period when the use of mobile terminals is authorized on an aircraft, terminals operating within the frequency bands defined in ECC/DEC/(06)07 Table 1 shall be prevented from attempting to register with networks on the ground.
The NCU has to be active when the Aircraft-BTS is active. The NCU is not requested, if the shielding of the aircraft fuselage is sufficient to prevent any registration of user terminals to terrestrial networks.
9Authorisation regimeSwitzerland: License exempt.
Liechtenstein: General authorisation.
Operation on NIB / NPB. (Non interference basis / non protection basis).
10Additional essential requirements--
11Frequency planning assumptionsECC/DEC/(06)07, EN 302 480.
ECC Report 93.
TS 145 005.
12Planned changes--
13ReferenceEN 302 480 / ECC/DEC/(06)07 /-.Effective use of spectrum / ECC Decisions / ECC Recommendations.
14Notification numbertbd.-
15RemarksEN 301 489-50-

Normative part: 1 to 11
Informative part: Nr 12 to 15

1) RIR for similar and/or other applications are available under: https://www.bakom.admin.ch/bakom/en/home/frequenzen-antennen/nationaler-frequenzzuweisungsplan/schnittstellen-anforderungen.html
2) For explanations and legal status, please refer to basis document 784.101.21 / RIR0000