Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein
Radio Interface Regulation

784.101.21 / RIR01051)
Aeronautical telemetry/telecommand

Aeronautical telemetry
5091 - 5150 MHz
Downlink only. Limited to flight testing.
Edition 2.0 / 01.08.2018

Nr Parameter2)DescriptionComments
1Radiocommunication serviceAeronautical mobile-
2ApplicationAeronautical telemetryLimited to transmissions from aircraft stations and limited to flight testing of aircraft during non-commercial flights for the purpose of development, evaluation and/or certification of aircraft in airspace
3Frequency band5091 - 5150 MHz-
5Modulation / Occupied bandwidth- / max. 10 MHz-
6Direction / SeparationDownlinks only-
7Transmit power / Power densityTotal max. 10 W e.i.r.p., max. 1 W e.i.r.p. for top antenna, max. 9 W e.i.r.p. for bottom antenna.-
8Channel access and occupation rules--
9Authorisation regimeSwitzerland: License required, NIB/NPB.
Liechtenstein: Individual assignment required, NIB/NPB.
Operation on NIB / NPB. (Non interference basis / non protection basis).
10Additional essential requirements--
11Frequency planning assumptionsITU-R Rec. M.1828-
12Planned changes--
13Reference-/-/-.Effective use of spectrum / ECC Decisions / ECC Recommendations.
14Notification numberG/TBT/N/CHE/226
15RemarksITU-R RR Resolution 418, ITU-R Rec. M.1828, ITU R Rep. M.2118, ITU-R Rep. M.2238, ITU-R Rec. M.1459, IRIG 106-15, MIL-STD-461G.-

Normative part: 1 to 11
Informative part: Nr 12 to 15

1) RIR for similar and/or other applications are available under: https://www.bakom.admin.ch/bakom/en/home/frequenzen-antennen/nationaler-frequenzzuweisungsplan/schnittstellen-anforderungen.html
2) For explanations and legal status, please refer to basis document 784.101.21 / RIR0000